Dear readers,

You all probably already realized that this travel blog hasn't been updated for a really long time now. Nothing serious, just being busy and lazy actually. However, expect a reborn sometime in the future. Meanwhile, I just started a new personal blog and promised to update it frequently here.

See ya all!
-- Fakhrur

29 September 2008

Rent Motorbike! Enjoying Most of Bali on A Budget

Love Bali? Visited it regularly? Bored with the same things in crowded Kuta? Well, Kuta is good for one thing, to find a motorbike rental bargain!! Yes, this I can highly recommend to each of you that travel to Bali with your partner. If you travel with children then forget it, it's not that safe and it's not for them.

I had checked several young couples (from many backgrounds) who did this, and they were mostly recommend the same thing! It's somewhat adventurous and absolutely romantic. Bali has wonderful landscape, and imagine that you can stop anywhere to enjoy the view and take a picture.

typical Bali rural road

But please be aware that you need to be able to drive safe, since not so many other drivers, especially trucks, that do so. Also prepare for the bad weather since Bali is often rain (anytime of the year). More information here.

Happy travel! Rrrooommm rrooommmmm...


ipz84 said...

Wahh!!! Gitu y rur.. Hmmm menariiikkkk.. Nanti d, kucoba XD Yiippiiieeee.. *tak sabar liburan hehe

Fakhrur said...

tp bukannya ntar loe formasi liburan kyk ke bangkok kmrn ya? make mobil dong?