Dear readers,

You all probably already realized that this travel blog hasn't been updated for a really long time now. Nothing serious, just being busy and lazy actually. However, expect a reborn sometime in the future. Meanwhile, I just started a new personal blog and promised to update it frequently here.

See ya all!
-- Fakhrur

25 January 2009

Free Goodies

Pardon me cause it's been a while since my last post. Lately I've been very busy with work, some paperwork and personal stuff..

The weather is terrible, if it's not raining all day, it chills to the bone. Some violent storm are reported in France and Spain, and avalanche that killed people in Scotland and Turkey have been buzzing on TV. Please stay safe and do whatever precaution to avoid any accidents and disasters.

For all those who choose and enjoy their time home like me, if you're feeling lucky and maybe a bit creative, there are some give-away out there to take.

Travelchannel is giving away tickets and stays in Stockholm, all you need is fill up the form here. They also giving away travel insurance for family here.

Lonelyplanet compass program also giving away 5 copies of the new book Best in Travel 2009, all you need is to mail the answers. Go to this page for more information.

Do you like to give review of those eating places around your area or those which you visited during your travel? Do you also like free goodies such as Canon Ixus, Travel books or iPod Touch? Go to this lonelyplanet page, and voila! Let your creativity win you something!

Happy travel and good luck!

bird with adriatic sunset

UPDATE: I forgot to put this up too.. Anyway if you have a funny or weird travel-related photo
, you might want to send them to this contest. Quick! It ends 31 January


Niah said...

its ok.. im chilled to the bone too... im sure u r more frozen! thanks for the links.. i hope they work.

btw the bird and sea picture is beautiful.. is it near the castle?

Fakhrur said...

hi Haniah! thanks.. yes it was one of the birds flocked the castle.. perfect sunshine, 12 degree celcius by the coast

melur said...

update lagi donk dengan banyak gratisan gini ;)

Wanderluster said...

Thanks for the contest tips. Free stuff is always good :-)